Welcome everyone to my new blog site! If you have navigated here you have no doubt just viewed my new personal website loridunnart.com. Here on Blogger I hope to post all the musings, ideas, opinions and junk that migrate around in my brain and keep me up at night. If no one reads it, that's ok. At least it will download some stuff from my head, allowing room for more.
The new website was a challenge as I built it myself. Not being very techno savvy it took a while to do, but certainly saved me some money. Now I find myself trying to figure out how to work the settings here on this blog. Once I do that, hopefully my posts will appear as if I know what I'm doing and I will have you all fooled!
I'd like to thank all those people who have supported my artistic endeavours so far. It has been quite a journey and I have a whole new community of friends who share my passion for art and conservation to help guide me further on my quest for success. 2013 will bring a whole new set of goals and challenges for me including more shows and exhibitions. Until then I have the winter devoted to producing some new works. A solo exhibition is also on the horizon and I am working on lining up a venue for that.
All of these things will be posted on the events page of my website, or on my facebook page Herpworks Wildlife Art. Blogger will be devoted to more personal writings and not necessarily art related. I hope you will read them and comment, like, dislike or debate them. Until then, cheers and thanks for tuning in!